I graduated from Plattsburgh State University, NY in 2008, majoring in both environmental science and philosophy. After graduating, I spent 4 years gaining experience with a variety of taxa and ecosystems throughout North America. I have worked with small mammals and Lyme disease ecology in New York, raptors, bighorn sheep and Canada lynx in Colorado, birds and mammals in interior Alaska, and ferruginous hawks in Wyoming. These experiences led me to pursue a master’s in wildlife biology in the Chalfoun Lab of the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.
My research focuses on how habitat alteration by invasive species influences populations and communities of native wildlife. Specifically, I’m studying how the invasion of an exotic grass (cheatgrass) affects grassland and shrubland small mammals.
Professional Preparation and Appointments
2012 – present: M.S. student in WY Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Wyoming
2008: BA environmental science; BA philosophy. Plattsburgh State University, NY.
Ceradini, J.P., C. Dame, B. Glidden, D. Hays, C. Livensperger, R. Schiesser, K. Adams. 2008. Long-term Impact of an Ice Storm and Restoration Cutting in a Rare Pine Barren. Scientia Discipulorum. 4-2009: 1-20. Authors are listed alphabetically. Last author is advisor.
Selected Presentations
Using species’ traits to predict small mammal responses to invasive plants. Ceradini, Joseph, Chalfoun Anna. National Wildlife Society Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba.Talk to be presented fall 2015.
Do generalist small mammals benefit from cheatgrass invasion? Ceradini, Joseph, Chalfoun, Anna. 2014 National Wildlife Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. View JPG
Demographic and habitat selection patterns of small mammals in native and non-native grassland. Ceradini, Joseph, Chalfoun, Anna. 2013 WY Wildlife Society Meeting, Rock Springs, WY. View PDF
The influence of non-native grasses on grassland small mammals and a test of competitive constraints on habitat selection. Ceradini, Joseph, Chalfoun, Anna. 2012 WY Wildlife Society Meeting, Laramie, WY.
Scholarships & Fellowships
2012: L. Floyd Clarke Graduate Scholar Award
2008: Graduated Magna Cum Laude
2007: Fitzpatrick Scholarship in Environmental Science
2007: Winkel Humanities Scholarship in Philosophy
2006: Plattsburgh State University Global Scholars Scholarship