

Coulter, A.A., M.J. Moore, J. Golcher-Benavides, F.J. Rahel, A.W. Walters, S.K. Brewer, M.L. Wildhaber. 2024. A synthesis of the characteristics and drivers of introduced fishes in prairie streams: can we manage introduced harmful fishes in these dynamic environments? Biological Invasions.

Price, A.N., M.A. Zimmer, A.J. Bergstrom, A.J. Burgin, E.C. Seybold, C.A. Krabbenhoft, S. Zipper, M.H. Busch, W.K. Dodds, T. Datry, A.W. Walters, J.S. Rogosch, R. Stubbington, R.H. Walker, J.C. Stegen, K.E. Kaiser, M.L. Messager, J.D. Olden, S. Godsey, D.A. Lytle, G.H. Allen, M.C. Mims, J.D. Tonkin, M. Bogan, R.M. Burrows, J. Hammond, K.S. Boersma, A.G. DelVecchia, D.C. Allen, S. Yu, A. Ward, 2024. Biogeochemical and community ecology responses to the wetting of non-perennial streams. Nature Water 2: 815-826.

Walters, A.W., N.G. Clancy*, T.P. Archdeacon, S. Yu, J.S. Rogosch, and E.A. Rieger*. Early view. Development of a refuge identification framework that promotes fish persistence during climate-related drought. Fish and Fisheries doi/10.1111/faf.12860 Selected as Ghoti paper.

Magruder, A.C.*, G.M. Barrile, S. Siddons, J. Walrath, and A.W. Walters. 2024. Seasonal movements between mainstem and tributaries may facilitate the persistence of Roundtail Chub and Flannelmouth Sucker within an altered stream system. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 153(5): 644-659.

Rosenthal, W.C., E.G. Mandeville*, A.M. Pilkerton*, P.C. Gerrity, J.A. Skorupski, A.W. Walters, and C. E. Wagner. 2024. Influence on sauger population structure and hybridization with introduced walleye. Ecology and Evolution14(7): e11706


Baldock, J.R., R. Al-Chokhachy, M.R. Campbell, and A.W. Walters. 2023. Timing of reproduction underlies fitness trade-offs for a salmonid fish.

Messager, M.L., J.D. Olden, J. Tonkin, R. Stubbington, J.S. Rogosch, M.H. Busch, C.J. Little, A.W. Walters, C.L. Atkinson, M. Shanafield, S. Yu, K. Boersma, D. Lytle, R.H. Walker, R.M. Burrows, T. Datry. 2023. A metasystem approach to designing environmental flows. Bioscience. biad067

Ruthven, J.S., and J. Leonard, and A.W. Walters. 2023. Assessment of invasive Brook Stickleback Culaea inconstans occupancy, habitat drivers, and overlap with native fishes in the North Platte River drainage, Wyoming. Hydrobiologia

Combrink, L.L., W.C. Rosenthal, L.J. Boyle, J.A. Rick, A.C. Krist, A.W. Walters, and C.E. Wagner. 2023. Parallel shifts in trout feeding morphology suggest rapid adaptation to alpine lake environments. Evolution 77(7): 1522-1538.

Newkirk, B.M., E.R. Larson, A.D. Walker, and A.W. Walters. 2023. Winners and losers over a half century of change in crayfish communities of Wyoming, U.S.A. Freshwater Science 42(2): 146-160.

Ruthven, J.S., and A.W. Walters. 2023. Invasive Brook Stickleback Culaea inconstans has limited effects on the trophic ecology of native fishes in Wyoming, USA. Food Webs 35 e00275.

Baldock, J.R., R. Al-Chokhachy, T.E. Walsworth, and A. Walters. 2023 Redd superimposition mediates the accuracy, precision, and significance of redd counts for cutthroat trout. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

Datry, T., A. Truchy, J.D. Olden, M.H. Busch, R. Stubbington, W.K. Dodds, S. Zipper, S. Yu, M.L. Messager, J. Tonkin, K. Kaiser, J. Hammond, E.K. Moody, R.M. Burrows, R. Sarremejane, A. DelVecchia, M.L. Fork, C.J. Little, R.H. Walker, A.W. Walters, D. Allen. 2023. Causes, responses, and implications of anthropogenic versus natural flow intermittence in river networks. BioScience 73(1): 9-22.

Fennell, J.M., W.C. Rosenthal, C.E. Wagner, J.C. Burckhardt, and A.W. Walters. 2023. Temporal segregation in spawning between native Yellowstone cutthroat trout and introduced rainbow trout. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 32(1): 94-106.



Wenger, S.J., E.S. Stowe, K.B. Gido, M.C. Freeman, Y. Kanno, N.R. Franssen, J.D. Olden, N.L. Poff, A.W. Walters, P.M. Bumpers, M.C. Mims, M.B. Hooten, and L. Lu. 2022. Simple statistical models can be useful for testing hypotheses with population time series data. Ecology and Evolution 12(9): e9339

Rosenthal, W.R., J.M. Fennell, E.G. Mandeville, J.C. Burckhardt, A.W. Walters, and C.E. Wagner. 2022. Effects of reproductive fitness in a hybridizing trout population. Molecular Ecology 31(16): 4224-4241.

Barrile, G. M., Chalfoun, A. D, Estes-Zumpf, W., and Walters, A. W. 2022. Wildfire influences individual growth and breeding dispersal, but not survival and recruitment in a montane amphibian. Ecosphere, 13(8), e4212.

Freeman, M.C., K.R. Bestgen, D. Carlisle, E.A. Frimpong, N.R. Franssen, K.B. Gido, E. Irwin, Y. Kanno, C. Luce, A.K. McKay, M.C. Mims, J.D. Olden, N. L. Poff, D.L. Propst, L. Rack. A.H. Roy, E.S. Stowe, A.W. Walters, and S.J., Wenger. 2022. Towards improved understanding of streamflow effects on freshwater fisheries. Fisheries 47(7): 290-298

Barrile, G. M., Walters, A. W., and Chalfoun, A. D. 2022. Stage-specific environmental correlates of reproductive success in Boreal Toads (Anaxyrus boreas boreas). Journal of Herpetology, 56(1), 34–44.

Booher, E. and A.W. Walters. 2022. Identifying translocation sites for a climate relict population of Finescale Dace (Chrosomus neogaeus). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 151(2): 245-259

M.A. Kirk, B.M. Maitland, B.T. Hickerson, A.W. Walters, and F.J. Rahel. 2022. Climatic drivers and ecological impacts of a rapid range expansion by non-native smallmouth bass in a Wyoming river. Biological Invasions 24: 1311-1326.

Alford, S.A. and A.W. Walters. 2022. Rapid post-disturbance colonisation contributes to native fish resilience. Ecology of Freshwater Fish



Barrile, G.M., A. D. Chalfoun, and A.W. Walters. 2021. Livestock grazing, climatic variation, and breeding phenology jointly shape disease dynamics and survival in a wild amphibian. Biological Conservation 261: 109247.

LeCheminant A.G., G.M. Barrile, S.E. Albeke, A.W. Walters. 2021. Movement dynamics and survival of stocked Colorado River cutthroat trout Oncohynchus clarkii pleuriticus. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Barrile, G.M., A.W. Walters, M. Webster, and A.D. Chalfoun. 2021. Informed breeding dispersal following stochastic changes to patch quality in a pond-breeding amphibian. Journal of Animal Ecology

B.J. Nordberg, E.G. Mandeville, A.W. Walters, J.C. Burckhardt, and C.E. Wagner. 2021. Historical data illustrate the complex effects of stocking in Cutthroat Trout populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management

Booher, E. and A.W. Walters. 2021. Biotic and abiotic determinants of finescale dace distribution at the southern edge of their range. Diversity and Distributions 27: 696-709.

Barrile, G.M., A.D. Chalfoun, A.W. Walters. 2021. Infection status as the basis for habitat choices in a wild amphibian. American Naturalist 197: 128-137.



Walker, R.H., C.E. Girard, S.L. Alford, and A.W. Walters. 2020. Anthropogenic land-use change intensifies the effect of low flow on stream fishes. Journal of Applied Ecology 57: 149-159.



Ciepiela, L.R., and A.W. Walters. 2019. Life-history variation of two inland salmonids revealed through otolith microchemistry analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76(11):1971-1981

Hickerson, B.T., B.M. Maitland, and A.W. Walters. 2019. Effects of multiple nonnative predatory fish on an imperiled cyprinid, Hornyhead Chub (Nocomis biguttatus). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148: 1132-1145

Walker, R.H. and A.W. Walters. 2019. A mechanistic understanding of ecological responses to anthropogenic surface disturbance in headwater streams. Ecosphere 10(10):e02907.

Mandeville, E.G., A.W. Walters, B.J. Nordberg, K.Higgins, J.C. Burkhardt, and C.E. Wagner. 2019. Genomic outcomes of trout hybridization vary with stocking history. Molecular Ecology 28: 3738-3755

Mandeville, C.P., F. Rahel, L.S. Patterson, and A.W. Walters. 2019. Applying threshold analysis to identify stream fish thermal guilds for water temperature regulation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148(4): 739-754.

Ciepiela, L.R., and A.W. Walters. 2019. Quantifying ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr temporal stability and spatial heterogeneity for use in tracking fish movement. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

Walters, A.W., C.E. Girard, R.H. Walker*, A. Farag, and D. Alvarez. 2019. Multiple approaches to surface water quality assessment provide insight for small streams experiencing oil and natural gas development. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 9999:1-13.

Hickerson, B.T. and A.W. Walters. 2019. Evaluation of potential translocation sites for an imperiled cyprinid, Hornyhead Chub (Nocomis biguttatus). North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:205-218. 



Walters, A.W., C. Peterson, F. Rahel. 2018. The interaction of exposure and sensitivity determines fish species vulnerability to warming stream temperatures. Biology Letters 14:20180342. org/10.1098/rsbl.2018.0342.

Girard, C.E. and A.W. Walters. 2018. Evaluating relationships between fishes and habitat in streams affected by oil and natural gas development. Fisheries Management and Ecology 25: 366-379.

Stewart, D.R., Z.E. Underwood*, F.J. Rahel, and A.W. Walters. 2018. The effectiveness of surrogate taxa to conserve freshwater biodiversity. Conservation Biology 32: 183-194. doi/10.1111/cobi.12967.



Walters, A.W., Mandeville, W.C. Saunders, P. Gerrity, J. Skorupski, Z. Underwood*, E. Gardunio. 2017. Comparison of burbot population dynamics across adjacent native and invaded ranges. Aquatic Invasions 12: 251-262



Gsell, A.S., Scharfenberger, U., D. Özkundakci, A.W. Walters, L. Hansson, P. Nõges, P.C. Reid, D.E. Schindler, E. van Donk, V. Dakos, R. Adrian. 2016. Early-warning signals foreshadow regime shifts in natural aquatic ecosystems. PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1608242113.

Walters, A.W. 2016. The importance of context dependency for understanding the effects of low flow events on fish. Freshwater Science 35:216-228 doi:10.1086/683831

Stewart, D.R., A,W. Walters, and F. Rahel. 2016. Factors influencing native and nonnative Great Plains fishes in Wyoming. Diversity and Distributions 22:225-238 doi: 10.1111/ddi.12383.

Underwood, Z.*, E. Mandeville, and A.W. Walters. 2016. Population connectivity and genetic clustering of burbot populations in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming. Hydrobiologia 765:329-342 doi: 10.1007/s10750-015-2422-y.



Senecal, A. C., A. W. Walters, and W. A. Hubert. 2015. Historical data reveal fish assemblage shifts in an unregulated prairie river. Ecosphere 6(12):287.

Entrekin, S., K.O. Maloney, K. Kapo, A.W. Walters, M. Evans-White, K. Klemov. 2015. Stream vulnerability to widespread and emergent stressors: a focus on unconventional oil and gas. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137416. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137416.

Godwin, B.L., S.E. Albeke, H.L. Bergman, A. Walters, and M. Ben-David. 2015. Density of river otters (Lontra canadensis) in relation to energy development in the Green River Basin, Wyoming. Science of the Total Environment 532:780-790.



Pantel, J., D. Pendleton, A. Walters, and L. Rogers. 2014. Linking environmental variability to population and community dynamics. p. 119-131. In P.F. Kemp [ed.], Eco-DAS IX Symposium Proceedings. ASLO. [doi: 10.4319/ecodas.2014.978-0-9845591-3-8.119].



Walters, A.W., K.K. Bartz, and M.M. McClure. 2013. Interactive effects of water diversion and climate change for juvenile Chinook salmon in the Lemhi River. Conservation Biology 27:1179-1189.

Walters, A.W., M.A.G. Sagrario, and D.E. Schindler. 2013. Species and community level responses combine to drive phenology of lake phytoplankton. Ecology 94:2188-2194.

Walters, A.W., T. Copeland, and D.A. Venditti. 2013. The density dilemma: limitations on juvenile production in threatened salmon populations. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22:508-519.



Walters, A.W., D. M. Holzer, J. R. Faulkner, C. D. Warren, P. D. Murphy, and M.M. McClure. 2012. Quantifying cumulative entrainment effects for Chinook salmon in a heavily irrigated watershed. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1180-1190.



Sawyer, H.S., and M.J. Kauffman. 2011. Stopover ecology of a migratory ungulate. Journal of Animal Ecology 80,1078-87

Abernethy, I.M., Independent and interactive effects of habitat and anthropogenic disturbance on small mammals. M.S., Department of Zoology and Physiology, May 2011.

Barclay, J.H., N.M. Korfanta, and M.J. Kauffman. 2011. Long-term population dynamics of a managed burrowing owl colony. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1295-1306.

Brown, R.S., W.A. Hubert, and S.F. Daly. 2011. A primer on winter, ice, and fish: what fisheries biologists should know about winter ice processes and stream-dwelling fish. Fisheries 36:8-26.

Gilbert, M.M., and A.D. Chalfoun. 2011. Energy development affects populations of sagebrush songbirds in Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:816-824.

Hubbard, K.A., The relative influence of adjacent road characteristics and habitat on lizard populations in arid shrublands. M.S., Department of Zoology and Physiology, December 2011.

Korfanta, N., The influence of habitat fragmentation on demography and extinction risk in a tropical understory bird community. Ph.D., Department of Zoology and Physiology, May 2011.

Laske, S.M., F.J. Rahel, W.A. Hubert, and P.A. Cavalli. 2011. Ecology of unique lentic populations of roundtail chub, Gila robusta. Western North American Naturalist 71:507-515.

Nelson, A.A., The influence of migratory and residential elk movements on seasonal wolf habitat selection and depredation patterns. M.S., Department of Zoology and Physiology, August 2011.

Sawyer, H.S., and M.J. Kauffman. 2011. Stopover ecology of a migratory ungulate. Journal of Animal Ecology 80:1078-87.

Vartanian, J.M., Habitat condition and the nutritional quality of seasonal forage and diets: demographic implications for a declining moose population in northwest Wyoming, USA. M.S., Department of Zoology and Physiology, December 2011.

Walters, A.W. 2011. Resistance of aquatic insects to a low flow disturbance: exploring a trait-based approach. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30:346-356

Walters, A.W., and D.M. Post. 2011. How low can you go? Response of aquatic insect communities to low flow disturbance. Ecological Applications 21:163-174.



Chalfoun, A.D., and T.E. Martin. 2010. Facultative nest patch shifts in response to nest predation risk in the Brewer’s sparrow: A win-stay, lose-switch strategy? Oecologia 163:885-892.

Cook, N., F.J. Rahel, and W.A. Hubert. 2010. Persistence of Colorado River cutthroat trout populations in isolated headwater streams of Wyoming. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1500-1510.

Gilbert, M.M., Demographic responses of sagebrush-obligate songbirds to oil and natural gas development in western Wyoming. M.S., Department of Zoology and Physiology, December 2010.

Holloran, M.J., R.C. Kaiser, and W.A. Hubert. 2010. Yearling greater sage-grouse response to energy development in Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:65-72.

Kauffman, M.J., J. Brodie, and E.S. Jules. 2010. Are wolves saving Yellowstone’s aspen? A landscape-level test of a behaviorally mediated trophic cascade. Ecology 91:2742-2755.

Sawyer, H., Habitat use and migration ecology of mule deer in developing gas fields of western Wyoming. Ph.D., Department of Zoology and Physiology, April 2010.

Sweet, D.E., and W.A. Hubert. 2010. Seasonal movement patterns of native and introduced catostomids in the Big Sandy River, Wyoming. The Southwestern Naturalist 53:382-389.

West, D., A.W. Walters, S. Gephart, and D.M. Post. 2010. Nutrient loading by anadromous alewives: contemporary patterns and predictions for restoration efforts. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67:1211-1220.



Walters, A.W., R.T. Barnes, and D.M. Post. 2009. Anadromous alewife contribute marine-derived nutrients to coastal stream food webs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66:439-448.

Post D.M. and A.W. Walters. 2009. Nutrient excretion rates of anadromous alewives during their spawning migration. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138: 264-268.



Walters, A.W. and D.M. Post. 2008. An experimental disturbance alters fish size structure, but not food chain length in streams. Ecology 89: 3261-3267.

In addition to these labs, the Monteith Shop in the University of Wyoming’s Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources helps meet the mission of the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.