Jason D. Carlisle

Jason D. CarlisleJason completed a PhD in 2017 in the Program in Ecology at the University of Wyoming.  He was based in the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit within the Department of Zoology and Physiology.

Jason currently works as a Research Biometrician for Western EcoSystems Technology (WEST, Inc.).  He hopes to continue learning and contributing to wildlife conservation efforts at the exciting interface of basic ecology, applied wildlife management, biological statistics, and GIS.

Professional Preparation and Appointments

2017:  PhD, Ecology, minor in Statistics, University of Wyoming

2011:  BS, Wildlife Science, minor in Geographic Information Sciences, Utah State University


Peer-reviewed publications

See Jason Carlisle’s Google Scholar and/or ResearchGate pages.

Reports and Proceedings

Carlisle, J.D., G. Bedrosian, and T.L. McDonald. 2016. The influence of greater sage-grouse management on golden eagles in the Wyoming basin. Prepared for Western Golden Eagle Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Technical report, Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc., 200 South 2nd Street, Suite B, Laramie, WY, 82070.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun, L.E. Sanders, and K.G. Gerow. 2015. Effects of CBM development on raptor nest site occupancy in the Powder River Basin.  Pages 10-13 in M. Hillis, B. Irey, G. Kennett, editors2015 Campbell County, Wyoming Raptor Symposium Proceedings.

Carlisle, J.D. 2015 Non-target effects of umbrella species conservation and the secret life of fledgling songbirds. Final Report to the University of Wyoming Biodiversity Institute.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun. 2014. Sage-grouse core area umbrella evaluations. Interim Performance Report to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

Chalfoun, A.D., K.G. Gerow, J.D. Carlisle, L.E. Sanders. 2013. Analysis of temporal and spatial patterns of raptor nest occupancy in areas of coal-bed methane development in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management, Buffalo Field Office and Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun. 2013. Sage-grouse core area umbrella evaluations. Interim Performance Report to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun. 2012. Sage-grouse core area umbrella evaluations. Interim Performance Report to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

Other publications

Carlisle, J.D., and S.E. Albeke. 2016. ecoinfo:  Assorted tools for the management and analysis of ecological information.  R package version 0.9.2. (link)

McDonald, T.L., R.M. Nielson, J.D. Carlisle. 2015. Rdistance:  Distance sampling analyses. R package version 1.3.2.  (wiki link) (CRAN link)

Carlisle, J.D., T.L. McDonald. 2015. Modeling abundance in relation to covariates. Vignette for R package Rdistance.  (link)

McDonald, T.L., J.D. Carlisle. 2015. User-defined likelihood functions in Rdistance. Vignette for R package Rdistance.  (link)

Carlisle, J.D., T.L. McDonald. 2015. Rdistance tutorial for beginners. Vignette for R package Rdistance.  (link)

Carlisle, J.D. 2015. umbrella:  Evaluating conservation reserves.  R package version 0.1.0. (link)

Carlisle, J.D. 2015. Where have all the naturalists gone? Newsletter of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society 42(1):7-8. (link)

Carlisle, J.D. 2012. Species distribution models and you. Newsletter of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society 39(1):13-15. (link)

Carlisle, J.D. 2010. Of ducks and men. The Utah Statesman—newspaper of Utah State University.

Selected Presentations


Carlisle, J.D. The effect of sage-grouse conservation on wildlife species of concern:  implications for the umbrella species concept. Dissertation defense. University of Wyoming. April 2017.

Carlisle, J.D., G. Bedrosian, and T.L. McDonald.  The influence of greater sage-grouse management on golden eagles in the Wyoming basin. Joint Meeting of the Wyoming Chapters of The Wildlife Society and Society for Range Management. Cody, WY.  November 2016.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun, K.T. Smith, and J.L. Beck. The non-target effects of sage-grouse habitat treatments on sagebrush-associated songbirds. Joint Meeting of the Wyoming Chapters of The Wildlife Society and Society for Range Management. Cody, WY.  November 2016.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun, D.A. Keinath, K.T. Smith, J.L. Beck, M.A. Murphy, S.E. Albeke.  How the West was one, or was it?:  Multi-species conservation under the sage-grouse umbrella.  North American Ornithological Conference.  Washington, D.C.  August 2016.

Carr, K.J., J.D. Carlisle, A.D. Chalfoun.  Sage Thrasher nest roofs as a response to predation and temperature.  Wyoming Undergraduate Research Day.  Laramie, WY.  April 2016.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun, D.A. Keinath, K.T. Smith, J.L. Beck, M.A. Murphy, S.E. Albeke.  Are non-game wildlife protected under the sage-grouse umbrella?  Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Brown Bag Seminar Series.  Cheyenne, WY.  March 2016.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun, D.A. Keinath, S.E. Albeke.  Do sage-grouse core areas protect non-game wildlife of concern?  Wyoming Chapter Meeting of The Wildlife Society.  Lander, WY.  December 2015. Best student talk award

Carlisle, J.D., D.A. Keinath, A.D. Chalfoun, S.E. Albeke.  Conservation via umbrella species:  why umbrella size matters.  University of Wyoming, Ecology Student Symposium.  Laramie, WY.  February 2015. Best talk award

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun, D.A. Keinath.  Are sage-grouse conservation areas sited advantageously for non-game wildlife species of concern?  Using geospatial data to assess the umbrella species concept.  Wyoming Chapter Meeting of The Wildlife Society.  Rock Springs, WY.  October 2013.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  How non-game wildlife fare under the umbrella of sage-grouse management.  WY Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit Annual Cooperator Meeting.  Cheyenne, WY.  October 2013.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  Testing the ecological concept of umbrella species using geospatial data.  Geospatial Conference of the West.  Laramie, WY.  September 2013.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  The effectiveness of Greater Sage-Grouse as an umbrella species for non-game wildlife conservation.  UW Dept. of Zoology and Physiology, Brown Bag Seminar Series.  Laramie, WY.  April 2013.  Formal proposal of dissertation research

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  Sage-grouse as an umbrella species: is what’s good for the goose really good for the gander?  Laramie Chapter of the Audubon Society.  Laramie, WY.  February 2013.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  Under the Greater Sage-Grouse umbrella:  how one species might dictate conservation of western wildlife and rangelands.  UW Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management, Research Across Disciplines Seminar Series.  Laramie, WY.  February 2013.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  Umbrella species:  can non-game wildlife be conserved under the sage-grouse umbrella?  Murie Chapter of the Audubon Society.  Casper, WY.  October 2012.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  Umbrella species:  can non-game wildlife be conserved under the sage-grouse umbrella?  University of Wyoming Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society.  Laramie, WY.  September 2012.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  How the west was one:  wildlife under the sage-grouse umbrella.  UW Dept. of Zoology and Physiology, Brown Bag Seminar Series.  Laramie, WY.  February 2012.

Carlisle, J.D., F.P. Howe, D.N. Koons.  Application of habitat and occupancy modeling to a wood duck nest box program.  Western Student Conclave of The Wildlife Society.  Arcata, CA.  March 2011.  Best student paper award.

Carlisle, J.D., F.P. Howe, J. Lowry.  Using ArcGIS to analyze Utah’s Mexican spotted owl habitats.  ESRI International User Conference.  San Diego, CA.  July 2010.

Carlisle, J.D., D.N. Koons.  Wild over wood ducks:  applying the scientific method to address a local wildlife question.  Meeting of the Utah State University Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society.  February 2010.

Carlisle, J.D., F.P. Howe, J. Lowry.  Spatial analysis of Mexican spotted owl protected activity centers and best available habitat in Utah.  Utah Chapter Meeting of The Wildlife Society.  Bryce Canyon, UT.  March 2009.


Rhea, A.M., J.D. Carlisle, A.D. Chalfoun.  Investigating the variation in nestling size in three species of sagebrush songbirds.  Joint Meeting of the Wyoming Chapters of The Wildlife Society and Society for Range Management. Cody, WY.  November 2016.

Rhea, A.M., J.D. Carlisle, M.D. Carling.  Investigating the presence of undersized nestlings in three species of sagebrush songbirds.  Wyoming Undergraduate Research Day.  Laramie, WY.  April 2016.

Carlisle, J.D., K.T. Smith, A.D. Chalfoun, J.L. Beck, M.A. Murphy.  Sage-grouse as a tool of surrogate-species conservation:  limited utility at finer spatial scales.  Wyoming INBRE Conference.  Laramie, WY.  April 2016.

Carlisle, J.D., K.T. Smith, A.D. Chalfoun, J.L. Beck, M.A. Murphy.  Sage-grouse as a tool of surrogate-species conservation:  limited utility at finer spatial scales.  University of Wyoming, Ecology Student Symposium.  Laramie, WY.  March 2016.  Best poster award

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  Does Greater Sage-Grouse breeding density predict the abundance of sagebrush-associated songbirds?  Joint Meeting of the AOU/COS/CSO.  Estes Park, CO.  September 2014.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  A preliminary look at the secret life of fledgling sagebrush songbirds.  Wyoming Chapter Meeting of The Wildlife Society.  Sheridan, WY.  August 2014.

Scholtz, C.S., A.D. Chalfoun, J.D. Carlisle.  Why a roof?  Exploring facultative roof building in a sagebrush-endemic songbird.  Wyoming Chapter Meeting of The Wildlife Society.  Rock Springs, WY.  October 2013.

Mischke, M.M., F.J. Rahel, J.D. Carlisle.  Development rate of Golden Trout eggs under fluctuating temperature regimes:  the implications of climate change.  Wyoming Undergraduate Research Day.  Laramie, WY.  April 2013.

Scholtz, C.S., A.D. Chalfoun, J.D. Carlisle.  Nest placement of two threatened sagebrush-endemic songbirds.  Wyoming Undergraduate Research Day.  Laramie, WY.  April 2013.

Carlisle, J.D., L.E. Sanders, A.D. Chalfoun, K.G. Gerow.  Raptor nest use in decline:  why energy development may not be to blame.  University of Wyoming, Ecology Student Symposium.  Laramie, WY.  February 2013.  Best poster award 

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun, D.A. Keinath.  Looking under the umbrella:  non-game wildlife distribution and abundance in relation to sage-grouse core area.  Wyoming Chapter Meeting of The Wildlife Society.  Laramie, WY.  November 2012.  Best student poster award

Sanders, L.E., J.D. Carlisle, A.D. Chalfoun, K.G. Gerow.  Raptor nest occupancy in relation to coal-bed methane development in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming.  Restoring the West Conference.  Logan, UT.  October 2012.

Sanders, L.E., J.D. Carlisle, A.D. Chalfoun, K.G. Gerow.  Raptor nest occupancy in relation to coal-bed methane development in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming.  19th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society.  Portland, OR.  October 2012.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  Greater sage-grouse:  potential umbrella species for non-game wildlife species of concern?  University of Wyoming, Ecology Student Symposium.  Laramie, WY.  February 2012.

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  Greater sage-grouse:  potential umbrella species for non-game wildlife species of concern?  Wyoming Chapter Meeting of The Wildlife Society.  Jackson, WY.  December 2011. 

Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun.  Greater sage-grouse:  potential umbrella species for non-game wildlife species of concern?  18th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society.  Kona, HI.  November 2011.  Best PhD research-in-progress poster award.

Carlisle, J.D., D.N. Koons, F.P. Howe, J. Lowry.  Using a GIS habitat model to guide deployment of wood duck nest boxes in Cache County, Utah.  17th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society.  Snowbird, UT.  October 2010.

Christopherson, J.L., J.D. Carlisle, D.N. Koons, F.P. Howe.  Wood Duck conservation and Utah State University students.  Utah State University Student Research Showcase.  Logan, UT.  March 2010.

Carlisle, J.D., F.P. Howe, J. Lowry. Spatial analysis of Mexican Spotted Owl protected activity centers and best available habitat in Utah.  16th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society.  Monterrey, CA.  September 2009.

Scholarships & Fellowships

2016:  Bioinformatics Graduate Assistantship, Wyoming INBRE (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) Program

2015:  Graduate Student Scholarship, Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society

2014:  WEST / Lyman & Margie McDonald Research Awards for Quantitative Analysis in Wildlife Ecology, UW Department of Zoology & Physiology and Department of Statistics

2014:  Laramie Audubon Society Grant

2014:  Biodiversity Research Grant, University of Wyoming Biodiversity Institute

2013-14:  Curatorial Assistantship, University of Wyoming Museum of Vertebrates

2013:  GeCo West (Geospatial Conference of the West) 2013 Scholarship

2012:  Graduate Teaching Assistantship, University of Wyoming

2011-present:  Graduate Research Assistantship, University of Wyoming

2005-11:  Presidential Scholarship, Utah State University

2005-11:  Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Utah State University

2005-11:  Quinney Scholarship, S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney Foundation

2010:  Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship, Utah State University

2009:  Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship, Utah State University

2009:  College of Natural Resources Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship

2009:  Jessica Clark Tayon Scholarship, Utah State University



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