Gabe worked as a Senior Research Scientist (Postdoctoral Associate) in the Department of Zoology & Physiology at the University of Wyoming from 2022-2024.
He is an applied quantitative ecologist workingat the intersection of disease ecology, population demography, and animal behavior, often employing data science techniques to provide evidence-based solutions to conservation challenges. He also studies disturbance ecology, particularly how natural and anthropogenic disturbances influence host-pathogen dynamics. Barrile’s research incorporates many taxonomic groups, from fish to frogs to finches to furry critters. Ultimately, his research aims to directly inform species conservation and management.
Google Scholar page:
Professional Preparation and Appointments
Professional Preparation
Senior Research Scientist (Postdoctoral Associate), Department of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming, 2022-2024
Ph.D. Ecology, University of Wyoming, May 2021
B.S. Environmental Biology, Bloomsburg University, December 2013
Barrile, G. M., Cross, P., Stewart, C., Malmberg, J., Jakopak, R., Binfet, J., Monteith, K., Werner, B., Jennings-Gaines, J., and Merkle, J. A. (2024). Chronic wasting disease alters the movement behavior and habitat use of mule deer during clinical stages of infection. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e11418.
Magruder, A. C., Barrile, G. M., Siddons, S., Walrath, J., and Walters, A. W. (2024). Seasonal movements between main stem and tributaries may facilitate the persistence of Roundtail Chub and Flannelmouth Sucker within an altered stream system. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 2024(00), 1-16.
Barrile, G. M., Augustine, D. J., Porensky, L. M., Duchardt, C. J., Shoemaker, K. T., Hartway, C. R., Derner, J. D., Hunter, E., and Davidson, A D. (2023). A big data–model integration approach for predicting epizootics and population recovery in a keystone species. Ecological Applications, 33(4), e2827.
Barrile, G. M., Chalfoun, A. D., and Walters, A. W. (2021). Infection status as the basis for habitat choices in a wild amphibian. The American Naturalist, 197(1), 128–137.
Barrile, G. M., Walters, A. W., Webster, M. E., and Chalfoun, A. D. (2021). Informed breeding dispersal following stochastic changes to patch quality in a pond-breeding amphibian. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90(8), 1878–1890.
Barrile, G. M., Chalfoun, A. D., and Walters, A. W. (2021). Livestock grazing, climatic variation, and breeding phenology jointly shape the disease dynamics and survival in a wild amphibian. Biological Conservation, 261:109247.
LeCheminant, A. G., Barrile, G. M., Albeke, S. E., and Walters, A. W. (2021). Movement dynamics and survival of stocked Colorado River Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 150(6), 679-693.
Barrile, G. M., Chalfoun, A. D, Estes-Zumpf, W., and Walters, A. W. (2022). Wildfire influences individual growth and breeding dispersal, but not survival and recruitment in a montane amphibian. Ecosphere, 13(8), e4212.
Barrile, G. M., Walters, A. W., and Chalfoun, A. D. (2022). Stage-specific environmental correlates of reproductive success in Boreal Toads (Anaxyrus boreas boreas). Journal of Herpetology, 56(1), 34-44.
Barrile, G. M., Augustine, D. J., Porensky, L. M., Duchardt, C. J., Shoemaker, K. T., Hartway, C. R., Derner, J. D., Hunter, E., and Davidson, A D. (2023). A big data–model integration approach for predicting epizootics and population recovery in a keystone species. Ecological Applications, 33(4), e2827.
Barrile, G. M., Bernard, R. F., Wilcox, R. C., Becker, J. A., Dillon, M. E., Thomas-Kuzilik, R. R., Bombaci, S. P., and Merkle, B. G. (2023). Equity, community, and accountability: leveraging a department-level climate survey as a tool for action. PLoS ONE, 18(8): e0290065.
Population Modeling in Ecology
Developed a 3-credit graduate course on statistical modeling in population ecology. The course introduces key software packages and fundamental models used in fish and wildlife population analysis. Course content includes estimating ecological state variables (occupancy, abundance) and population vital rates (survival, recruitment, dispersal) of both marked and unmarked populations, accounting for imperfect detection. All materials hosted on GitHub: (
Additional materials regarding Population Modeling in Ecology
Instructional videos with associated code and data can be found at:
Interview with UnDisciplined, a research-themed program on Utah Public Radio:
Selected Presentations
Barrile, G. M. Behavioral and demographic responses to environmental change in a pond-breeding amphibian. University of Wyoming. December 2020. Dissertation defense.
Webster, M. E.*, Barrile, G. M., Chalfoun, A. D., and Walters, A. W. Temporal variation in the number and area of beaver ponds in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, USA during 2006–2018. Wyoming/Colorado Chapter Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Laramie, Wyoming. February 2020. *indicates mentored presenter
Barrile, G. M., Chalfoun, A. D., and Walters, A. W. Host habitat choices provide behavioral immunity in a natural population. Wyoming/Colorado/Utah Chapter Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Laramie, Wyoming. February 2018. Best student talk award
Barrile, G. M, Walters, A. W., and Chalfoun, A. D. Host behavior and thermal profile influence infection risk in a wild amphibian population. Wyoming Chapter Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Jackson, Wyoming. November 2017. Best student talk award
Barrile, G. M. Quantitative methods for the analysis of animal movement and habitat selection. Wildlife and Rangeland Workshop. Pinedale, Wyoming. November 2016. Invited talk.