Emily Shertzer is a PhD student in the Chalfoun lab. Her research interests broadly include understanding habitat selection and quality for conservation purposes and identifying how human-induced habitat changes affect animal reproduction and survival across the full annual cycle. Her doctoral research is focused on the survival and habitat selection of three species of sagebrush-obligate songbirds (Brewer’s sparrow, sagebrush sparrow, and sage thrasher) during understudied life stages. She is conducting her research in Pinedale, WY in collaboration with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and Bureau of Land Management. In her free time, she enjoys biking, climbing, and skiing in Laramie, and going on walks with her dog, Lyra.
Selected Presentations
Shertzer, E., A. Chalfoun. Full life cycle effects of natural gas development on sagebrush-obligate songbirds. 2022. Poster presented at the Wyoming Wildlife Society Conference, Jackson, WY.
Scholarships & Fellowships
- Wyoming Governor’s Big Game License Coalition Grant, 2022
- Meg and Bert Raynes Wildlife Fund Grant, 2022
- Reed Fautin Memorial Scholarship, 2021
- L Floyd Clark Graduate Scholar Award, 2021
- L Floyd Clarke Fund in Zoology and Physiology, 2021
- WY-The Wildlife Society Graduate Student Scholarship, 2020
- Laramie Audubon Society, 2020
- Margaret and Sam Kelly Wildlife Research Fund, 2020