Anika Mahoney

Anika headshotAfter graduating from the University of Georgia, Anika worked across the US conducting field research relating to avian and small mammal ecology. She joined the Chalfoun Lab in 2011 as an MS student in the Wyoming Cooperative Research Unit within the Department of Zoology and Physiology to pursue her interests in disturbance ecology and wildlife conservation. Anika’s research investigates indirect effects of the burgeoning wind energy industry’s developments on breeding grassland birds in Wyoming.


Mahoney, AC and AD Chalfoun. Wind energy production variably influences the reproductive success of two species of grassland songbirds. The Condor: Ornithological Applications. In revision.

Klee, Ryan V., Mahoney, Anika C., Christopher, Cory C., Barrett, Gary W. 2004. Riverine Peninsulas: An Experimental Approach to Homing in White-footed Mice (Peromyscus leucopus).  American Midland Naturalist, 2:408-413.

Selected Presentations

Chalfoun, AD and AC Mahoney. Contrasting Indirect Effects of Wind Turbine Complexes vs. Natural Gas Development on Grassland and Shrubsteppe Songbirds. Annual Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union. Estes Park, CO. 2014.

Mahoney, AC and AD Chalfoun. Impacts of Wind Energy Development on Songbird Reproductive Success. Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Rock Springs, WY. 2013.
Mahoney, AC and AD Chalfoun. How Wind Energy May Indirectly Influence Grassland Songbirds. Izaac Walton League. Laramie, WY. Murie Audubon Society, Casper, WY. Laramie Audubon Society, Laramie, WY. 2013.

Mahoney, AC and AD Chalfoun. Zephyr or tempest? Wind energy development and nesting success for 2 species of grassland songbirds. The Wildlife Society’s 19th Annual Conference, Portland, OR, October 2012.

Mahoney, AC and AD Chalfoun. Indirect Effects of Wind Energy Development on Nesting Grassland Birds.  North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 2012.

Mahoney, AC and AD Chalfoun. Effects of Wind Energy Development on Breeding Grassland Birds. The Wildlife Society’s 18th Annual Conference. Kona, HI, November 2011 (poster).

Mahoney, AC and AD Chalfoun. Indirect Effects of Wind Energy Development on Breeding Grassland Birds. University of Wyoming, Department of Zoology and Physiology Brown Bag Presentation. November 2011.

Mahoney, AC and AD Chalfoun. Wind Energy & Nest Success. Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Jackson, WY, December 2011.



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