Niall Clancy

Niall MooseNiall is a 5th-generation Montanan and 2nd-generation fisheries scientist. He works to conserve and restore freshwaters and the organisms that call them home. He is especially interested in the conservation of at-risk and understudied species. Thus far, some of these species are Bull Trout, Columbia Slimy Sculpin, Northern Redbelly Dace, Giant Salmonflies, Pallid Sturgeon, Colorado River Cutthroat Trout, Pygmy Whitefish, and native amphibians. Given that ecosystems are complex and interwoven, he generally studies whole aquatic communities, often using a food web approach to understand their structure. Ultimately, he works to translate research into on-the-ground action that benefits native species.

Before coming to Wyoming, Niall worked with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks as a fisheries scientist in Kalispell. Work started there has spurred much of his current research.

His personal website is

Professional Preparation and Appointments


  • 2019 M.S., Ecology, Utah State University, Logan, UT
  • 2017 B.S., Fish & Wildlife Management, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT


  • 2020 NSF Contract Fisheries Scientist, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
  • 2018-2019 Science Reporter, Utah Public Radio
  • 2017 Lab Instructor, Dept. of Ecology, Montana State University
  • 2017 Fisheries Technician, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
  • 2014-2017 Freshwater Ecology Technician, AlberCross Lab, Montana State University
  • 2011-2014 Intern, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institutes of Health


ResearchGate   GoogleScholar


Wolf, J.M., N.G. Clancy, and L.R. Rosenthal In review. Bull Trout passage at beaver dams in Bitterroot and Flathead River tributaries, Montana.

Clancy, N.G., J.L. Dunnigan, P. Budy. In review. Relationship of trout growth to frequent electrofishing and diet collection in a headwater stream.

Schnee, M., N.G. Clancy, M.C. Boyer and S.L. Bourret. 2021. Recovery of freshwater invertebrates following piscicide eradication of nonnative trout in alpine lakes. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.

Clancy, N.G., J. Brahney, J. Dunnigan, and P. Budy. 2021. Effects of a diatom ecosystem engineer on stream food webs: implications for native fishes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78: 154-164.

Clancy, N.G., J.P. Draper, J.M. Wolf, U.A. Abdulwahab, M.C. Pendleton, S. Brothers, J. Brahney, J. Weathered, E. Hammill, T.B. Atwood. 2020. Protecting endangered species in the USA requires both public and private land conservation. Scientific Reports 10(e11925): 1-8.

Clancy, N.G., and S.L. Bourret. 2020. Using social and physical variables to assess vulnerability of northwestern Montana lakes to illegal fish introductions. Hydrobiologia 847: 3055-3065.

Bourret, S.L. and N.G. Clancy. 2018. Using forensic geochemistry via fish otoliths to investigate an illegal fish introduction. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75: 1778-1783.

Clancy, N.G. 2017. Can amphibians help conserve native fishes? Fisheries 42: 327-331.

Offerdahl, D.K., N.G. Clancy, and M.E. Bloom. 2016. Stability of a tick-borne flavivirus in milk. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 4: 1-6.


Stringer, A.L. and N.G. Clancy. 2021. Status of Northern Redbelly Dace (Chrosomus eos) in Montana. Species of Special Concern report from the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.

Clancy, N.G., J. Brahney, J. Curtis, and P. Budy. 2020. Consequences of Didymo blooms in the transnational Kootenay River basin. Report to BC Parks from the University of British Columbia and Utah State University, Logan, UT.



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