Alissa Tiemann

Alissa TiemannAlissa completed her MS in 2022.

Alissa is a M.S. student in the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Wyoming. Her research is focused on better understanding the life history and ecology of Roundtail Chub and Flannelmouth Sucker by determining seasonal movement patterns in the Blacks Fork drainage. Results will be used to identify life stage specific habitat needs and potential fish passage barriers for more effective management and conservation of Roundtail Chub and Flannelmouth sucker populations in Eastern Wyoming.

Alissa received her B.S. in Wildlife Management and Conservation from Humboldt State University (2012). As an undergraduate student, she completed an honors thesis on the prevalence of helminth parasites in red foxes in California. After graduation, she gained experience with endangered trout in streams in Arizona and California. This sparked a passion for fisheries that led to a long-term position with Idaho Department of Fish and Game (2015-2019). In this role, she was the lead technician for the Monitoring and Evaluation Program designed to assess the response of salmon and steelhead relative to newly implemented habitat restoration actions in the Lemhi River.

In her free time, Alissa immensely enjoys the outdoors.  If she isn’t fly fishing or backpacking alongside her two pups, you’ll find her training for obstacle course races.

Professional Preparation and Appointments


  • B.S., Wildlife Management and Conservation, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

Work Experience 

  • 2019: Fisheries Technician, Wyoming Game and Fish Department
  • 2015-2019: Senior Fisheries Technician, Idaho Department of Fish and Game
  • 2014: Fisheries Technician, California Trout
  • 2012: Fisheries Technician, Arizona Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office

Selected Presentations

Tiemann, A. S., 2016: Bull Trout Movement in the Lemhi Subbasin. Oral Presentation for Work Plan Meeting, Salmon, ID

Tiemann, A. S., 2012: Understanding Baylisascaris procyonis and its Role within Human Populations. Idaho Chapter of TWS Annual Meeting, Moscow, ID



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