Meredith Journey

Meredith JourneyMeredith is interested in understanding the influence of climate change and environmental factors on aquatic communities that occupy high alpine lakes. Meredith aims to describe the relationships between snowpack and ice phenology as they relate to biological limnology, zooplankton community structure, and trout growth and reproduction under the lens of climate change. Meredith utilizes a combination of field collection, laboratory techniques, and remote sensing methods to better understand the seasonal dynamics of this often-understudied ecosystem. In particular, she is interested in how naturally reproducing populations of historically stocked trout in high-elevation lakes will continue to subsist and impact their ecosystem under future climate scenarios.

Meredith received her M.S. degree from the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA (2015). Her research focused on the early marine growth and physiology of out-migrating juvenile salmon in the Salish Sea and beyond. After completing her M.S. degree, Meredith accepted a professional appointment as a Research Biologist at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle WA (2016-2022). During this time, she worked to understand and model the biological and oceanographic factors influencing salmon growth in the Salish Sea, Columbia River Estuary, and Northern California Current.

Beyond research, Meredith enjoys spending her free time enjoying mountains rock climbing and backcountry skiing. Rest days include crossword puzzles and cuddling with her cat Jasper.

Professional Preparation and Appointments


  • 2021: B.S., Wildlife and Fisheries Biology and Management, University of Wyoming

Professional Appointments

  • 2023-2024: Contract Fisheries Biologist. Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Cody, WY
  • 2022: Fisheries Technician. Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Laramie, WY
  • 2021: Fisheries Technician. Hickey Bros. Research. Yellowstone Lake, WY


Technical Reports

Miller, M.G., K.D. Catlin, M. Stuart, C.C. Kirkeeng, and S.B. Gale. In development. Distribution and abundance of SGCN fishes in Southeast Wyoming lentic systems.

Selected Presentations

Selected Presentations

Catlin, K.D., M.G. Miller, M. Stuart, C.C. Kirkeeng, and S.B. Gale. 2023. Distribution and abundance of SGCN fishes in Southeast Wyoming lentic systems. Oral presentation at the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, CO.


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