Lindsy Ciepiela

Lindsy CiepielaLindsy completed her M.S. in the Zoology and Physiology Department at the University of Wyoming in 2017. She is currently a fisheries biologist for Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

She is originally from Colorado and received her B.S in Fish Wildlife and Conservation Biology from Colorado State University. Prior to attending the University of Wyoming Lindsy worked throughout Colorado and Alaska with much of her research focusing on movement dynamics of salmonids and catostomids. Her current research focuses on tributary use and movement patterns of salmonids in the Upper North Platte River Drainage. Broadly, she is interested in the role population specific diversity plays in ecosystem resiliency.

Professional Preparation and Appointments


  • 2011: B.S., Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University, CO

Professional Appointments

  • 2014: Fisheries Technician.  Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Montrose, CO.
  • 2013: Research Assistant. Fisheries Research Institute, Aleknagik, AK
  • 2011-2013: Fisheries Crew Leader. U.S. Forest Service, Steamboat Springs,   CO
  • 2011: Fisheries Technician. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins, CO
  • 2010: Research Assistant. Fisheries Research Institute, Chignik Lake, AK
  • 2008-2009: Hydrologic Technician. U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO


Bentley, K.T., D.E. Schindler, T.J. Cline, J.B. Armstrong, D. Macias, L.R. Ciepiela, R.Hilborn. 2014. Predator avoidance during reproduction: diel movements by spawning sockeye salmon between stream and lake habitats. Journal of Animal Ecology. 83:1478-1489.

Ciepiela, L. R., S. F. Brinkman, and R. Fitzpatrick. 2013. Acute toxicity of ammonia to Suckermouth Minnows. Pages 33-39 in Water Pollution Studies. Colorado Division of Wildlife,  Federal Aid Project F-243-R20, Job Progress Report. Fort Collins, CO.

Selected Presentations

Ciepiela, L. R. 2016. Estimating spatial heterogeneity and temporal stability of strontium isotope signatures for use in tracking fish movements.  146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO.

Ciepiela, L. R. 2015.   Estimating salmonid movement in the Upper North Platte River. Platte Valley Habitat Speaker Series, Saratoga, Wy.

Ciepiela, L. R. 2013. Willow creek: three years post treatment, evaluation of re-population strategies. Colorado River Cutthroat Trout Conservation Team, Grand Junction, CO.

Ciepiela, L.R., R. Fitzpatrick, and S. Brinkman. 2013. Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) alters temperature selection of northern redbelly dace (Phoxinus eos) under laboratory conditions. CO/WY Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Fort Collins, CO.

Scholarships & Fellowships

2016: Wyoming Wildlife Federation Dennis Jespersen Memorial Scholarship

2016: Louis C “Red” Rockett Memorial Scholarship  

2015: Great Plains Fishery Workers Association Scholarship
