Kye Catlin

Kye CatlinKye is a M.S. student in the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. His current research aims to identify habitat associations and any seasonal trends in habitat use for native fish and mussels in a spring-fed prairie stream. That data will then be used to predict how potential changes in grazing strategies and stream restoration projects could impact each species. He is excited to contribute new research on prairie fish that will benefit species of conservation need in his home state.

Before joining the Walters Lab in 2024, Kye earned his bachelor’s degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology and Management from the University of Wyoming in 2021. Much of his past work has focused on native fish conservation. He spent 2 years working as a contract fisheries biologist for WGFD on a project surveying the Bighorn River for small-bodied fish to establish baseline information for future monitoring purposes. He also spent two seasons as a fisheries technician working on projects describing the distribution/abundance of small-bodied fishes in Southeast Wyoming lentic systems and lake trout suppression in Yellowstone Lake.

Kye spends most of his free time exploring the Rocky Mountain region’s trout waters with a fly rod in hand, but also enjoys seasonal backpacking and hunting excursions.

Professional Preparation and Appointments


  • 2021: B.S., Wildlife and Fisheries Biology and Management, University of Wyoming

Professional Appointments

  • 2023-2024: Contract Fisheries Biologist. Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Cody, WY
  • 2022: Fisheries Technician. Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Laramie, WY
  • 2021: Fisheries Technician. Hickey Bros. Research. Yellowstone Lake, WY


Technical Reports

Miller, M.G., K.D. Catlin, M. Stuart, C.C. Kirkeeng, and S.B. Gale. In development. Distribution and abundance of SGCN fishes in Southeast Wyoming lentic systems.

Selected Presentations

Selected Presentations

Catlin, K.D., M.G. Miller, M. Stuart, C.C. Kirkeeng, and S.B. Gale. 2023. Distribution and abundance of SGCN fishes in Southeast Wyoming lentic systems. Oral presentation at the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, CO.


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