Carlin Girard

Carlin GirardCarlin finished his MS in 2015 and is now the executive director for the Teton Conservation District.

Carlin Girard is is researching natural gas development effects for native fish in the Wyoming Range. In the past he has focused on native fish research and management working with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Most recently he finished a contract researching the movement and life history of the Upper Snake River bluehead sucker population. Carlin also has a strong work background in wildlife biology with emphasis on darting, capture, and necropsy of big game. His work and play overlap greatly consisting mainly of hunting, fishing and hiking. He also enjoys making and fixing things.


Girard, C.E. 2011. When the Skiing Gets Tough, the Tough Go Fishing. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Jackson Region Newsletter Vol. 8.

Girard, C.E. 2011. Flat Creek on the National Elk Refuge. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Jackson Region Newsletter Vol. 8.

Scholarships & Fellowships

  • 2012: American Fisheries Society Travel Grant
  • 2012: Jackson Hole One Fly Foundation Dennis Anderson Memorial Scholarship
  • 2012: Great Plains Fishery Workers Association Scholarship
  • 2013: Jackson Hole One Fly Foundation Dennis Anderson Memorial Scholarship
