Jake Ruthven

Jake RuthvenJake completed his MS in 2022 and now works for Idaho Fish and Game Department.

Jake is a M.S. student in the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Wyoming. His research seeks to understand the effects of Brook Stickleback Culaea inconstans on native nongame fishes in Wyoming. He is interested in exploring both large- and fine-scale habitat drivers to predict future expansion of Brook Stickleback in the state, as well as examining interspecific competition and the overlap in metrics such as diet between these fishes. The results of his study will be used to help inform management of Brook Stickleback and fill knowledge gaps within the field of Invasion Ecology.

Jake received his B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology & Management (Aquatics concentration) from the University of Wyoming (2018). During his time as an undergraduate, he worked under a PhD candidate in the Walters lab studying ecological responses to multiple stressors in headwater streams of the Wyoming Range. He has worked as a Fisheries Management Technician for Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, and also filled an Acting Aquatic Biologist role for Colorado Parks and Wildlife after finishing his undergraduate degree.

When not in school, Jake is an avid outdoorsman and can often be found fly fishing or hunting ducks with his four-legged friend, Fin.

Professional Preparation and Appointments


  • B.S., Wildlife and Fisheries Biology and Management (Aquatics Concentration), University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

Work Experience 

  • 2019 Fisheries Technician, Wyoming Game and Fish Department
  • 2018 Acting Aquatic Biologist, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
  • 2017 Fisheries Technician, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
  • 2017-2018 Invertebrate Zoologist Technician, Wyoming Natural Diversity Database
  • 2015-2017 Research Assistant, Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
  • 2014 Laboratory Technician, Colorado State University Dept. of Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Biology
  • 2013-2014 Fisheries Intern, Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Selected Presentations

Ruthven J. S. et al., 2019: O Snake River Cutthroat, Where Art Thou? An evaluation of the success of Snake River Cutthroat Trout in Colorado waters. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of AFS Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, CO

Ruthven, J. S. et al., 2018: In transition: brown trout proliferation in the transition zone of the South Platte basin, Colorado. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of AFS Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY

Ruthven, J. S. 2018. Sportfish Management in Colorado. Oral presentation to the FRCC Fish & Wildlife Management class, Fort Collins, CO.

Ruthven, J. S. 2018. Population Monitoring: Techniques for Wildlife Management. Oral presentation to the UW Principles of Fish and Wildlife Management class, Laramie, WY.

Ruthven, J. S. 2017. Population Monitoring: Techniques for Wildlife Management. Oral presentation to the UW Principles of Fish and Wildlife Management class, Laramie, WY.

Scholarships & Fellowships

  • 2017 Great Plains Fishery Worker’s Scholarship
  • 2014 Western Undergraduate Exchange Scholarship
  • 2014 Dan Preble Memorial Scholarship
