Carl Brown holding a Black Rosy Finch

Habitat relationships of the Black Rosy-Finch

Tetons 3 - Photo Carl Brown-1Seasonally located in high mountain ranges, Black Rosy-Finch (Leucosticte atrata) breed exclusively in alpine environments where snowfields and tundra facilitate foraging, and cracks in cliffs provide nest sites. They are one of the least studies species in North America, with very little information recorded about their presence in Wyoming.

As a high elevation-obligate that is closely tied to snow pack, habitat and climatic data will be collected to help better understand distribution and assess threats to the state’s highest breeding bird. This in turn will help provide insight for long-term monitoring efforts.




Carl Brown, masters student
Wyoming Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Dept. 3166, 1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
[email protected]

Project Lead

Funding & Partners

2015 – State Wildlife Grant – Wyoming Game and Fish Department

University of Wyoming Graduate Work Funding


2015 – Meg and Bert Raynes Wildlife Fund

Spring Banding and Summer Surveys of the Black Rosy-Finch in Wyoming – Independent Project
