Lee Tafelmeyer is joining the Monteith Shop to begin work on the Pronghorn Harvest Project. In 2011 he graduated from the University of Jamestown (North Dakota) with a BS – Wildlife. The mountains quickly called him away from the flatlands, and he found himself in Wyoming, where he has since pursued a wide variety of wildlife research work. Through these positions, Lee has had the opportunity to hike, ski, and snowmobile throughout the Wyoming mountains. He’s worked with many species including wolverine, black-footed ferret, and bighorn sheep. Lee is entering the Monteith Shop with an enthusiasm to learn new skills and contribute to the Shop’s stout wildlife research portfolio.
Through his research on pronghorn, Lee is working to understand the peak maturation of pronghorn bucks, how hunting might influence horn size and growth in Wyoming; as well as assessing if allowing more opportunity to harvest males can occur without compromising availability of large horned males.
Working in the outdoors only seems to give Lee a bigger appetite for adventure. When not measuring horns and pulling teeth, Lee enjoys hiking, backpacking, skiing, hunting, and climbing. As a family man now, he has also begun to appreciate the extra challenge of finding ways to share these experiences with his wife, daughter, and son.