Coop Unit header: lakes and mountains

About the Walters Lab

Walters lab goes bowling dressed as fish tacos

Our aim is to create a lab environment conducive for growth and learning to help train the next generation of scientists. We are committed to building a community that welcomes and supports all, with particular dedication to individuals belonging to groups that have been traditionally marginalized. We believe that an inclusive and diverse team with a wide variety of backgrounds, beliefs, and ideas will be best suited to tackle the many challenges facing our diverse aquatic environments.

We conduct applied research to further understand and better manage aquatic and fishery resources. Our work seeks to gain insight into the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems and how these ecosystems are altered by natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Much of our research involves fish that are of conservation concern and as a result the studies are set in a management context and have repercussions for natural resource decision-making. Our goal is to conduct research that has relevance to both basic ecological theory and fisheries management.
