Teal Wyckoff was an M.Sc. student in the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit and Department of Zoology and Physiology at the University of Wyoming. Prior to starting her research in 2011, Teal received a bachelor’s degree with a dual major in Physical Geography and Environment and Natural Resources from the University of Wyoming’s Department of Geography, and the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources. Teal is currently a Research Scientist at the Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center (WyGISC), where she focuses online geospatial tools to support natural resource decision making in Wyoming. Her research has focused on a variety of topics, from semiarid landscape analysis to cyberinfrastructure development. Her previous experience in geospatial data management and manipulation and a keen interest in Wyoming wildlife and natural resource management led her to her current work using geospatial analysis metrics to evaluate the influence of development on mule deer migration. Teal’s research is supported by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming Wildlife: The Foundation and the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources. This work supports the monitoring and management efforts of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Teal completed her degree in 2017.
Sawyer, H., M. J. Kauffman, A. D. Middleton, T. A. Morrison, R. M. Nielson, & T. B. Wyckoff. 2013. A framework for understanding semi-permeable barrier effects on migratory ungulates. Journal of Applied Ecology, Article first published online: 5 DEC 2012. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12013. View PDF
Wyckoff, T. B., H. Sawyer, S. E. Albeke, S. L. Garman, and M. J. Kauffman. 2018. Evaluating the influence of energy and residential development on the migratory behavior of mule deer. Ecosphere 9:e02113 1-13. View PDF
Selected Presentations
Professional Proceedings – Verbal Presentations
Wyckoff, T.B.*, M.J. Kauffman, H. Sawyer, S.E. Albeke and S.L. Garman. 2015. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Mule Deer Migrations. Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative, The Wildlife Society Wyoming Chapter Joint Meeting. Lander, Wyoming, December 3, 2015.
Wyckoff, T. B.*. 2015. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Mule Deer Migrations. WyGISC Seminar Series. Laramie, Wyoming, October 23, 2015.
Wyckoff, T. B.*, M. J. Kauffman, H. Sawyer, S. E. Albeke and S.L. Garman. 2015. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Ungulate Migrations. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 21, 2015.
Wyckoff, T. B.*. 2015. Identifying Threshold Levels of Development that Impede Wyoming Ungulate Migrations. Annual Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit Partners Meeting. Cheyenne, Wyoming, April 20, 2015.
Wyckoff, T. B.*. 2014. Identifying Threshold Levels of Development that Impede Wyoming Ungulate Migrations. Annual Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit Partners Meeting. Laramie, Wyoming, April 24, 2014.
Wyckoff, T. B.*, M. J. Kauffman, H. Sawyer, and S. E. Albeke. 2013. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Mule Deer Migrations. Annual Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Partners Meeting. Cheyenne, Wyoming, October 23, 2013.
Wyckoff, T. B.*, M. J. Kauffman, H. Sawyer, S. E. Albeke. 2013. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Mule Deer Migrations. The Wildlife Society Wyoming Chapter Annual Meeting. Rock Springs, Wyoming, October 29-31, 2013.
Albeke, S.E.*, A.D. Middleton, J.D. Jones and T.B. Wyckoff. 2013. A day in the life of an Ecoinformaticist. Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center Geospatial Forum, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, October 4, 2013.
Wyckoff, T. B.*, M. J. Kauffman, H. Sawyer, S. E. Albeke. 2013. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Mule Deer Migrations. 1st Annual Geospatial Conference of the West. Laramie, Wyoming, September 16-19, 2013.
Wyckoff, T. B.*, M. J. Kauffman, H. Sawyer, S. E. Albeke. 2012. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Mule Deer Migrations. The Wildlife Society Wyoming Chapter Annual Meeting. Laramie, Wyoming, November 13, 2012.
Wyckoff, T. B. *, M. J. Kauffman, H. Sawyer, S. Garman, J. McBeth. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Ungulate Migrations. Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Science Workshop. Rock Springs, Wyoming, May 14-16, 2012.
Professional Proceedings – Poster Presentations
Wyckoff, T. B.*, M. J. Kauffman, S.E. Albeke and H. Sawyer. 2014. Identifying Threshold Levels of Development that Impede Mule Deer Migrations. The Wildlife Society Wyoming Chapter and Central Mountains and Plains Section Joint Annual Meeting, Sheridan, Wyoming, August 26-28, 2014.
Polzer, P.L.*, S.G. Lanning, S.E. Albeke, T.B. Wyckoff, and Perkins, D.G. 2013. Wildlife Migration Data Viewer: Developing a Web-Application with Multi-Tiered Functionality and Tool Access. 2013 Geospatial Conference of the West, Laramie, Wyoming, September 16-19, 2013.
Wyckoff, T. B.*, M. J. Kauffman, and S.E. Albeke. 2012. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Mule Deer Migrations. The Wildlife Society National Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, October 13-17, 2012.
Wyckoff, T. B.*, M. J. Kauffman, and S.E. Albeke. 2011. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Ungulate Migrations. The Wildlife Society Wyoming Chapter Annual Meeting, Jackson, Wyoming, December 6-8, 2011.
Wyckoff, T.B.*, M.J. Kauffman, and S.E. Albeke. 2011. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Ungulate Migrations. The Wildlife Society’s 18th Annual National Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii, November 5-10, 2011.
Other Meetings/Proceedings – Verbal Presentations
Wyckoff, T. B. and M. J. Kauffman. 2012. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Ungulate Migrations. University of Wyoming Zoology and Physiology Department Brown Bag Seminar. Laramie, Wyoming.
Contracts and Grants
M. J. Kauffman and T. B. Wyckoff. 2012. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Ungulate Migrations. Wyoming Game and Fish Department. $50,000.
Kauffman, M. J. and T. B. Wyckoff. 2011. Evaluating the Influence of Development on Ungulate Migrations. Wyoming Wildlife: The Foundation. $13,000.