Nicole Korfanta completed her PhD in Zoology and Physiology in 2011. Her dissertation research explored the effects of tropical deforestation on the demography and persistence of understory bird populations in the Usambara Mountain of Tanzania, part of the Eastern Arcbiodiversity hotspot. Nicole also received her Master of Science degree from the University of Wyoming (UW), where she studied the population genetic structure of migratory and resident Burrowing Owls. She holds an AB in Integrative Biology from the University of California, Berkeley. Nicole is currently the Associate Director of the UW Environment and Natural Resources program, where she has been on staff since 2001. She enjoys working at the interface of science and policy, and is particularly interested in wildlife management issues, campus sustainability and green building, and collaborative decision-making. Prior to attending graduate school, she worked for the University of California in an integrative pest management laboratory. Born in Wyoming, Nicole grew up in California, and now lives in Laramie with her husband and little boy. Before having a baby and going back to school, she liked to rockclimb at Vedauwoo and ski when it wasn’t too cold.
Korfanta, N.M., W.D. Newmark, M.J. Kauffman. In prep. Demographic consequences of habitat fragmentation in a tropical bird community.
Barclay, J. H, N. M. Korfanta, M. J. Kauffman. In press. Long-term population dynamics of a managed burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) population. Journal of Wildlife Management.
Korfanta, N. M., D. B. McDonald, and T. E. Glenn. 2005. Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) population genetics: A comparison of North American forms and migratory habits. Auk 122: 464-478.
Korfanta, N. M., N. A. Schable, and T. C. Glenn. 2002. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA primers in Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia). Molecular Ecology Notes 2: 584-585.
Korfanta, N. M., L. W. Ayers, S. H. Anderson, D. B. McDonald. 2001. A preliminary assessment of Burrowing Owl population status in Wyoming. Journal of Raptor Research 35: 337-343.
Selected reports
Ruckelshaus Institute of Environment and Natural Resources. 2005. Water production from coalbed methane development in Wyoming: a summary of quantity, quality, and management options. Prepared for the Office of the Governor, State of Wyoming. View PDF
McDonald, D., N.M. Korfanta, and S.J. Lantz. 2004. The Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia): a technical conservation assessment. [Online]. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region. View PDF
Buskirk, S. W. and N. M. Korfanta. 2002. Parameter refinement for habitat capability models for the Rocky Mountains. Unpublished report to U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Region 2, Department of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming, Laramie. 32 pp.
Scholarships & Fellowships
2007: Dick and Lynne Cheney Study Abroad Grant, University of Wyoming
2007: Scott-Walters Study Abroad Scholarship, University of Wyoming
2000: Institute of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Issues Grant, UW
2000: J.P. Ellbogen Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award, University of Wyoming
1999: Sigma Xi, Grant in Aid of Research
1999: Arts and Sciences Summer Independent Study Award, University of Wyoming
1998: L. Floyd Clark Summer Research Award, University of Wyoming
1998: Stephen R. Tully Memorial Award, Raptor Research Foundation