Jenny Jones

Jenny JonesJenny’s first wildlife job was working at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area on research to monitor the abundance and distribution of a variety of reptiles, small mammals and carnivore species in a fragmented urban landscape. From California she moved to Yellowstone National Park to work for the Wolf Project observing and recording behavior as part of long-term studies regarding predator-prey population dynamics, behavioral relationships, multi-carnivore relationships, wolf social dynamics and scavenger communities. She then became a biological science technician for the Yellowstone Bison Ecology and Management Office documenting abundance, distribution and vital rates of bison through the immobilization and radio collaring of adult females. While with the Bison Project she developed and supervised field implementation of a Parturition Monitoring Plan to document timing, location and bison behavior of parturition events related to disease transmission risk. She got a little better at horseback riding despite her english background but still can’t do telemark turns in the backcountry. She is currently pursing a Masters degree at the University of Wyoming investigating the influence of nutritional condition on elk ecology throughout their annual cycle. Other current interests include developing a stable isotope technique to differentiate between feedground and native winter range elk for landscape distribution.


Jones, J., J. Treanor, R. Wallen and P. J. White. 2010. Timing of parturition events in Yellowstone bison Bison bison: implications for bison conservation and brucellosis transmission risk to cattle. Journal of Wildlife Biology 16(3):1-7.

Jones, J. and J. Treanor. 2008. Allonursing and Cooperative Birthing Behavior in Yellowstone Bison (Bison bison). The Canadian Field-Naturalist 122(2):171-172.

Selected Presentations

Jones, J.D. Influence of winter supplemental feeding on elk ecology in the southern brucellosis endemic area of Wyoming. Wyoming State Leadership Team meeting of RMEF. Casper, WY 21 January 2012.

Jones, J.D., M.J. Kauffman, B. Scurlock, R. Cook, and J. Cook. Influence of winter supplemental feeding on summer foraging behavior of elk in west-central Wyoming. Annual meeting of the Wyoming chapter of The Wildlife Society. Jackson, WY. 8 December 2011.

Jones, J.D., M.J. Kauffman, B. Scurlock, R. Cook, and J. Cook. Influence of winter supplemental feeding on summer foraging behavior of elk in western Wyoming. Contributed poster in the Ecology and Habitat Relationships: Birds & Mammals session at the annual meeting of The Wildlife Society. Kona, HI. 8 November 2011.

Jones, J.D., M.J. Kauffman, B. Scurlock, and P.Cross. Influence of nutritional condition on migration, habitat selection and foraging ecology of elk in western Wyoming. Annual meeting of the Wyoming chapter of The Wildlife Society. Lander, WY. 18 November 2010.

Jones, J.D. Yellowstone bison parturition: implications for disease transmission risk. Zoology and Physiology Brown Bag presentation. University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. 25 October 2010.

Jones, J.D., M.J. Kauffman, B. Scurlock, and P.Cross. Influence of nutritional condition on migration, habitat selection and foraging ecology of elk in western Wyoming. Research in progress poster presentation at the annual meeting of The Wildlife Society. Snowbird, UT. 5 October 2010.

Scholarships & Fellowships

2011: The Wildlife Society Graduate Scholarship
2011: L. Floyd Clarke Yellowstone Ecosystem Scholarship
2011: Wyoming Governor’s Big Game License Coalition
2011: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Habitat Enhancement, Wildlife Management, Research Grant
2010: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship – Honorable Mention
2010: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Habitat Enhancement, Wildlife Management, Research Grant
2009: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Habitat Enhancement, Wildlife Management, Research Grant



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