Janess Vartanian is a MS candidate based in the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the Department of Zoology and Physiology. Prior to starting her research, Janess obtained a Bachelor’s of Science in Zoology from North Carolina State University. She has since worked extensively throughout the United States on a variety of carnivore and ungulate species. Before starting her Master’s research at the University of Wyoming, Janess was working for the Arizona Game and Fish Department as a Mexican Wolf Biologist on the Mexican Wolf Recovery Project. Her current research focuses on understanding the influence of seasonal habitat quality and disturbance on wildlife populations and identifying factors which may limit populations. Janess’ other research interests include wildlife conservation, predator-prey interaction, habitat fragmentation, land use/spatial dynamics, ecosystem management, human-animal conflict, and the reintroduction/ management of threatened species.
When not conducting research, Janess enjoys listening to live music, climbing, snowboarding, and photography. The key to her sanity was Quoia.
Selected Presentations
Presentations Oral
Vartanian, J. M., M. J. Kauffman, B.W. Hess, and S. A. Kilpatrick. Evaluating variation in seasonal habitat quality for a declining moose population in northwest Wyoming. The 46th Annual North American Moose Conference and Workshop. Jackson, Wyoming 5/2011
Vartanian, J. M. Evaluating the condition adn qualtiy of moose habitat: Can moose correct for varition in forage quality via diet selection? The Wildlife Society, UWYO, Laramie, Wyoming 4/2011
Vartanian, J. M. and M. J. Kauffman. Habitat condition, diet, and nutrition quality of forage: Implications for a declining moose population. Annual meeting of the Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Cody, Wyoming. November 2009.
Vartanian, J. M. The influence of habitat on Shiras moose demography in Northwest Wyoming. University of Wyoming Brown Bag: Student Presentation Series. Laramie, Wyoming. October 2009
Vartanian, J. M and M. J. Kauffman. Evaluating the influence of bottom-up and top-down control of Shiras moose demography in the Jackson Herd Unit. Wyoming Game and Fish Moose Working Group Meeting (via video link). Wyoming. November 2007.
Presentations Poster
Vartanian, J. M. and M. J. Kauffman. Evaluating landscape-level variation in habitat quality: Can moose correct for variation in habitat quality via diet selection. 17th annual Conference of the Wildlife Society”. Snowbird, Utah. October 2010.
Vartanian, J. M. and M. J. Kauffman. Habitat condition, diet, and nutrition quality of forage: Implications for a declining moose population in Northwest Wyoming. 90th annual meeting of the American Society of Mammologists. Laramie, Wyoming. June 2010.
Links to previous work
Scholarships & Fellowships
2008 Haub School of Environmental and Natural Resources – Plummer Scholarship